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Quiz - Guess the flag

Quiz - Guess the flag

The enjoyable game Quiz - Guess the flag involves attempting to correctly guess the names of hundreds of different flags from across the world. Strive for the greatest score possible as you go through the harder levels. You may test your understanding of flags in a variety of various game settings.

How to play

You have to determine which nation's flag is displayed in the picture in order to win. Initially, a picture of the flag shows, followed by four buttons, one of which has the right answer written on it. You will learn more than 200 flags through the game, which is intended to teach flags to both adults and young children. Moreover, there is a Select the Country game mode in which you are given a flag and a list of nations from which to select; the categories are divided into continents. This game is a lot of fun for anyone who like geography and flags!

PUZZLE quiz education guess flag world
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