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Master your vocabulary by completing circuits in Circuits game. The game will present you with a circuit that is interconnected by empty cells and circuits. Think logically and use your puzzle-solving skills to find the correct solution to complete the circuit. Every day, a new puzzle!

How to play

It's time to push your brain to the limit with Circuits puzzles. This engaging vocabulary puzzle game offers a distinctive gameplay experience. Your task is to fill in the blanks to complete the circuit. Think of the suggested word from the vocabulary in the cells connected to it by a line. Each connection is separate from every other connection. Any two related words can form a connection between one word and another. Furthermore, two words can be combined to create a compound word. For example, "lip" + "stick" = "lipstick." You can complete a connection vertically, from top to bottom, or horizontally, from left to right. Then submit your answer, and there's no penalty for guessing wrong. You will see your progress through the display of results and statistics. Have fun!

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PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE UNCATEGORIZED brain logic word-search guess search
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