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Custom Wordle

Custom Wordle

Custom Wordle is a game with the same goal as wordle, but it includes different options to play the games you want each day and enables you construct the wordle word you want to email it to your friends and see if they can guess it. If you'd like to give this free online game a whirl, we're confident you'll enjoy it!

In Custom Wordle, you must correctly guess a word six times out of seven. Personal wordle lets you make your own, which means that it generates a link to share it with everyone who can correctly identify your chosen word. This is the first and most important feature of this wordle. The question is whether or not you will be able to defeat your opponent.

How to play Custom Wordle

Despite its simplicity, this personalized Wordle has gone viral due to the fact that you are limited to six attempts to tackle the challenge (the same for all play with your custom link, too). The user must wait until they receive another link with a fresh word before they can try their luck at solving the puzzle again.

A five-letter word must be used for each attempt. You can see how close you are to a word's definition by the color of the letters. The results of the game can be shared on social networks, but the letters of the word are not revealed, increasing the intrigue and interest to try to expose the word to which you have been challenged by each other, guess the word before. There may be letters that are spelled the same way more than once. Each letter has its own set of clues. Every time you create a link, you learn a new word!

Tricks of Custom Wordle

To assist you in locating the answer on your own, the following are some hints:

The first rule of Wordle experts is to make the best possible entry. Between two and three vowels and some of the most often used consonants, such L, la, and T... are the most efficient starting attempts. For those who find themselves without an ideal first word, the language of Latin is a good place to start, as it fits all of the criteria outlined above.

Create as many hints as possible in the remaining five attempts so that you can easily answer the challenge.

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