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A Wordle clone with a few more features is called Guessle. You can play more than once per day, but the rules are roughly the same. The Official Scrabble Dictionary is used by the game to both choose "solution" words and to verify predictions.

How to play 

Guessing the word is the goal of the game Guessle. You achieve this by receiving hints with each correct guess. If a letter is highlighted in gray, it won't be included in the final answer. If a letter is highlighted in yellow, it is in the answer but not in the spot you predicted. Additionally, if a letter is highlighted in green, you know it is in the right place!

Either a real keyboard or the virtual one included in the game can be used to type. The virtual keyboard in-game also displays the letters you have correctly predicted so far, along with their outcome. You succeed when you correctly guess every letter! You can always stop trying to use that word and request a different one. After you triumph, you might request a new term. (You'll also notice a link to the word's definition if you want to learn more about it!)

Tips and Tricks

Be aware that some words have many letters that are the same (for example, "brood"). When you utilize one of those letters in this situation, you might get a green or yellow indicator, but there might be a duplicate! One green and one yellow letter could appear if you correctly guess a term with two letters! (A gray letter always indicates that it does not make any appearances in the answer.)

PUZZLE brain skill logic crossword word-search quiz letters
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