Movlie - 1980s tests your knowledge of films from the 1980s period. Players will discover and relive the once-famous and iconic films of the 1980s. It brings many mixed emotions—joy, nostalgia, etc.—from one movie to another. The player needs to make a correct prediction about the name of the movie from a series of screenshots from different movies from the 1980s. If you are a lover of movies and old movies, the game definitely won't make it difficult for you.
The objective of Movlie - 1980s is to accurately identify the film's title using visual clues provided by the screenshots. The maximum number of times a player can guess the right movie title is six. After taking a guess, participants can enter their theory regarding the title of the film. Your understanding of 1980s films will hopefully help you make educated guesses as you painstakingly examine each screenshot. Players can improve their identification accuracy and refine their guesses with the help of the increasingly displayed screenshots. Film buffs and aficionados of 1980s pop culture will enjoy the challenge of recognizing the film solely from its visual elements. Intelligence isn't the only metric the game measures. Not only does it allow gamers to reminisce, but it also recreates the enchantment of classic 1980s films.
If you are a movie lover and want to challenge yourself more, you can try Movlie - 1970s.