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MTRdle challenges you to create valid trips using Hong Kong's MTR system. A fun and unique puzzle game that requires players to predict the exact sequence of train routes. In six tries, find the right order of three distinct train routes so that they can be combined to form a legitimate trip by using their intersections. For puzzle fans and MTR system fans, MTRdle is a fun and interesting game thanks to its limited number of attempts, feedback mechanics, and the variety of each challenge.

How to play

The objective of MTRdle is to decipher the exact sequence of MTR train lines that constitute a legitimate journey in Hong Kong. In order to determine the correct order of train lines, players can make up to six guesses. The three rail lines that are thought to make up a legitimate trip are included in each guess. With three rail routes to consider and intersection limitations to obey, finding the right order of routes is no easy task. The objective of the game is to arrange rail routes in the best possible sequence, taking into account all possible crossovers.

The player receives feedback on the accuracy of their predictions, the inclusion or exclusion of certain rail routes, the proper sequence of their inclusion, or the incorrect location of their inclusion after each guess. Players face a new problem with each MTRdle puzzle—they must select the one path from among the numerous that corresponds to the hint. For those who enjoy puzzle games and are fans of the MTR system, this game becomes a captivating and entertaining experience.
If you love this game and want to challenge with similar game, you can try Metrodle.


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE NOT WORDS brain logic guess search train mtr
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