Mini CrosswordConnectionsHardleFlaggleWeaver GameCinenerdleFoodle


The Spellie game for young spellers is a great place to test your skills if you enjoy charades. Even if you haven't yet played Wordle, you can rest assured that we believe it is an appropriate game for children of all ages to play. It's a challenge, but the vocabulary in the hard mode isn't that difficult. Each day's word is given you six (6) chances to guess it.

How to play

If you're looking for a game that can only be played in the course of a single day, Spellie is the one for you. This basic pastime has become a viral sensation because of its ease. The word of the day must be guessed in six attempts, with three difficulty levels. The Grade 2 vocabulary is used in the easy puzzle.

After six tries, you've successfully uncovered the secret word.

  • A five- or four-letter word is required for each attempt.
  • For each attempt, the color of the letters changes to indicate how close you are to spelling out the word.
  • There's nothing in the secret word if a box turns.
  • This indicates that the letter is present, but it is not in the position indicated.
  • indicates that the letter has been correctly placed in the word and in the correct position.
  • A new puzzle is unveiled at midnight in your time zone each day.

Spellie’s Rules

  • You get a total of six tries to correctly guess the daily word, with the help of the feedback you receive.
  • That's correct, there's a letter w in there.
  • R is in the word, however it's positioned incorrectly.
  • O and D are nowhere to be found in the term.

If you're successful, you'll be able to post a solution to it on social media. The difficulty level of the daily puzzles increases from easy to challenging to extremely difficult. Take a look at the game now! 

Is there anything you can't get enough of? If that's the case, I highly recommend that you check out Octordle and Cinenerdle. Enjoy!

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE logic word-search braining educational seach letters gameforkids