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In the word game AlphaBreak, players are tasked with rearranging the letters of a given word to form new words, with each letter being used exactly once. The goal of the daily problem is to use all of the letters in the given word exactly once to form as many 3- to 5-letter words as possible. Have fun!

How to play

To win, you'll need to use each letter of the puzzle word only once in a series of shorter terms. Minimal word length is between four and five letters. The smaller words must only use the letters in the puzzle word once each. Players will receive immediate feedback on which letters they have guessed correctly, which letters they have guessed correctly but placed incorrectly, and which letters they have guessed incorrectly. If you're just starting out, it's smart to focus on finding the longer terms first. It's up to the player to guess until they've successfully spelled out every potential variation of the puzzle word. The problem gets progressively harder each day of the week, culminating in a particularly challenging edition on Sunday. With time and effort, you'll become an expert at decoding crossword clues.

Tips and tricks

  • Examine the word's prefixes and suffixes. The English language is full of words that share prefixes and suffixes like "re-" and "-ing." Examine the puzzle word for these, as they frequently combine with other letters to produce shorter words.
  • Don't overlook plurals; the puzzle word may feature an "s" or "es" that can be utilized to create a plural.
  • Consult a thesaurus: Consult a dictionary for clues if you feel stuck. You should play honestly and not try to guess words you don't know.


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE VARIATIONS brain logic crossword word-search seach guess letters
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