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Just play Birdle! The solution to each word puzzle is a different bird native to the United Kingdom. All kinds of birds are included here, from seasonal visitors to year-round residents. Try it out and show it to your pals!

How to play

If you take 6 guesses, you'll guess the Birdle. Each possible response is a word, and the correct one is the name of a British bird. To send your request, press the enter key. Adjust the Birdle's length by dragging the bar at the top. Just hit the "get a clue" button if you need some assistance.

Birdle Rules

  • Player must identify the British bird in the photo (changes every 24h).
  • There can be no foreign birds listed. It is acceptable to use general bird types/families (such as OWL), but this will be taken into account when calculating your final grade.
  • Letters in green are part of the answer, whereas red are not. However, punctuation in the answer is optional but not required.
  • It is impossible to designate 'proper' placements because the quantity of letters is variable.
PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE skill logic crossword word-search quiz braining seach letters
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