Bookli Wordle is a guessing game that takes its inspiration from the popular word game Wordle but has been modified for use with books. Attempt to decipher the words that make up a passage from a literary classic every day in this wordle-style exercise. We think this online game would appeal to those who enjoy quizzes and puzzles.
Unlike Wordle, the goal of Bookli is to unravel a mystery. You only need to remember a few rules to have fun with this wordle-style game:
Accurately identify the words that make up a passage from a well-known book. A maximum of 12 guesses are allowed per word, but if you get even one wrong, you're out of the game. Use your keyboard or the on-screen keys to make a guess, and then click "Check" to see whether you were right.
Word order is irrelevant. You may navigate the text by pressing tab or shift-tab, or you can click on a specific word to jump to it. The current guess can be navigated by clicking on the letter boxes or by using the cursor keys. We've tried out this one-day-only game and can't wait to play it again tomorrow so that we can show off our solved Book Games to our friends. Are you interested?
You can try our other types of word games in the word game collection. Along with Bookli, you get some more fantastic alternatives like Wizarding Wordle, Cinenerdle, Swiftle that are bound to spark your interest. Best wishes!