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Like the popular word-guessing website Wordle, Bordle is entertaining and engaging for players of all ages. You have to figure out the word's multiple meanings in this game. In order to advance, you must properly identify the country represented by each flag.

How to play

Please type in any five-letter word as a preliminary guess. You'll earn a green or yellow square depending on how many letters you get right. If a letter is green, it signifies that it belongs in its correct position. If the circle becomes yellow, it signifies that the right letter is in the wrong place. Answer the words in each row by using the information you gleaned from the preceding row as a clue. There are six available rows, or opportunities, for you to take advantage of. Your objective is to make guesses that get you as near to the correct answer as possible.

Keep in mind that the B emoji is NOT the same thing as the letter "B," but rather can represent a variety of other symbols. In the past, we've gotten answers like "BOUGH" and "DUSBY" (DUSTY).

From translated versions to games based on slurred words (Lewdle), choir music (Byrdle), and even Taylor Swift (Swiftle), Wordle has inspired countless parodies and imitations (Taylordle). And now there's Bordle, which is arguably the most niche variant of the game. Let your hair down and enjoy yourself!

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain logic crossword word-search quiz seach letters
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