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In Bytle, players must estimate a randomly generated base-10 (denary) number. After the player enters their guess, the game converts the number to binary and displays it as a row of binary digits on a game board.

How to play

The player's goal is to correctly predict the game's random base-10 number. On the game board, the binary encoding of the number is shown. The player's guess and the random number will be compared, and the game will give visual feedback in the form of colors. A binary digit in the guess will be colored green if it matches the position of a binary digit in the binary representation of the number. The guess will be marked with a yellow color if a binary digit is present but in the wrong place. A binary digit will be shown in gray if it is completely absent from the guess. The player has an unlimited number of guesses until they get a row full of green binary digits, which indicates they guessed correctly.

The player is tasked with using the game's feedback to make intelligent predictions until they hit the jackpot and see a row of all green binary numbers. The Bytle game is a great tool for learning about binary numbers and their relationship to base 10 digits. It may also help them become better at using logic and solving problems.
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