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Crissle Crossle

Crissle Crossle

Crissle Crossle, a game of word guessing, is great fun to play while bored online. Discovering the solutions requires as few guesses as possible to win the game. Click the corresponding buttons at the game's top to toggle between "daily play" and "infinite play." Is it time to go? Join the Crissle Crossle fun of word guessing right away!

 How to play

Easy to pick up and play, Crissle Crossle is a more challenging take on the classic word game Wordle that is great for expanding your vocabulary and having fun with friends. Until each possible output is a true five-letter word, you only need to guess a total of eight times to uncover a hidden five-letter word in this game. An actual five-letter word must be used for each guess. Press the enter key to submit. After each guess, the color of the tiles will shift to show how close you got to the correct answer. Also, after each guess, a blue word will appear to the right, blocking your view of the correct answer. You'll get the same result as if you had guessed the correct blue word in the same row.


  • Graphics with striking 2D hues.
  • Playable and difficult levels that are also enjoyable.
  • There's a lot of enjoyment to be had from playing this game.
  • Simple, straightforward layouts.
  • Motivating Support.


The player moves around by using the mouse to click on options. A guess needs to be a word made up of exactly five letters. Kindly press the enter key to proceed. After each guess, the tiles' colors will change to reflect how close you are to the correct answer.

You can choose between the regular daily mode and an infinite mode. There's a blue word off to the right that could cloud your judgement, so keep an eye out for it. Put your deductive skills to the test and guess the coded message hidden in this image. Now is the time to start spreading the secret words among our friends.

You won't be disappointed if you give Confusle a try if you like our other word guessing games. Have the best of luck!

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain logic crossword word-search seach guess letters
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