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D'accordle inspires political participation and raises public awareness of politics through candidate proposals. By playing the game, players can enhance their analytical skills, think critically about political themes, and learn about the perspectives that various politicians have taken on various ideas. For those who want to learn more about political topics, the game is a helpful introductory instructional resource. The game is a compelling introduction, free from political coercion. Anyone can play the game and begin honing their analytical skills, even if they are young or have no experience with the political system.

How to play

Players have four attempts to select the candidate who is in favor of the plan. This small amount of work highlights the necessity of making political decisions with little time and effort. The game's color-coded feedback system is a useful tool for determining player predictions and errors. The color of each box representing a candidate changes, providing players with a quick and easy way to tell if they made the correct decision. Every day, there are two distinct Daccordles (proposal-candidate combinations) to keep participants interested. By playing the game, players are encouraged to test their comprehension of politicians' political viewpoints and learn about contemporary political issues. Even if they are young or have no experience with the political system, everyone may play the game and begin refining their analytical skills.

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