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Eldrow is a word game similar to wordle, but with a twist: you have to solve 5 puzzles to win. A clever game, also known as wordle reverse. We think you'll enjoy this online game if you're up for a challenge and enjoy games in which you must solve a series of five word puzzles; it's not quite like wordle, but it's fun nonetheless.

How to play

For each ELDROW puzzle, you'll need to come up with two words. The first word is a hint, and the second is the solution. You can figure out the solution by working backward from the clue. It's a very easy game to play. You'll need to use the provided hints to solve 5 puzzles. The game prompts you to post your solution to the mysterious challenge on social media once you've completed it.

After finishing the game for the day, there is no option to play again. Reading on will show you the ropes of eldrow unlimited if that's something you're interested in doing.

Because of how easy it is to participate, this pastime has quickly gained popularity. There are now more than 500,000 puzzles completed on

We think you'll enjoy this online game if you enjoy a good challenge! You'll understand why this game went viral in a matter of hours if you give it a try.

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain skill logic crossword word-search letters
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