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Flaggle 2

Flaggle 2

Flaggle 2 is a second version with the task of guessing the flag of a country or territory in the world. With game rules like Wordle, you will have to guess the words with the hints in the game. Have fun!

How to play

As with past Flaggle games, your goal here is to correctly identify the country or region represented by each flag with as few guesses as possible. When you make a guess, a flag matching the colour of the correct answer will be displayed afterward. The palette has been narrowed down to these 10 most-used hues to make guessing easier. To compile the list of flags, we looked at the list of countries and territories that have territory in the United Kingdom.
In this case, the colour green indicates approval.

The Vietnamese flag is assumed to be displayed here. This result (in the middle) suggests that the correct response is mostly red, with a minor yellow star in the centre. That would be Burkina Faso.

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE GEOGRAPHY brain logic crossword word-search guess letters
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