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Gauntletle offers a unique and fun word game. The game is inspired by the famous word game Wordle, but instead of guessing the usual word, the challenge in the game will gradually increase as players solve words that increase in length from 3 to 7 letters. Players can choose a daily or fighting mode to increase competition and difficulty. Have fun!

How to play

In Gauntletle, players need to guess the secret word in six tries, with a length of three to seven letters, to complete the challenge. The first word that players must guess is a three-letter word. The cells will be colored after each guess to show the level of similarity to the target word.

  • Seeded Guesses: After solving a word, the player will receive a seed prediction for the following words: The player's progress can be guided, and there is continuity between words thanks to this.
  • Final Word Challenge: The series concludes with a seven-letter word. To begin guessing this word, the player can choose four words from the previous game. This increases the game's complexity and requires players to think strategically even more.
  • Adversarial Mode (Optional): If you're looking for a challenging multiplayer mode,. Without going into detail, I can only assume that this mode has players competing to be the first to guess the words and complete the puzzle.
  • Giving Up: The player has the option to press the red X to end their current puzzle session. They will, however, be prompted to affirm their choice prior to leaving the game.

If you like this game and want to explore more word games, visit our Wordleverse  collection.


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE VARIATIONS brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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