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Guess it

Guess it

Guess It is an exciting word-guessing game that helps players train their brains. The game draws inspiration from the classic Wordle game, which challenges players to identify a secret word using five letters. Deductive reasoning tries to discover the mystery word in a limited number of attempts. If you are a word enthusiast, you will definitely love this game. Stimulate your mind and enjoy the fun of solving puzzles.

How to play

The game provides a grid of empty boxes; your task in Guess It is to predict the secret word in a maximum of 6 attempts. Each prediction is a valid five-letter word. Enter your prediction and submit. The system will then reveal the level of accuracy through the color of the letter boxes:

From there, rely on this color coding to get more clues to help you make an accurate prediction. Refine and narrow your guesses. Deduce the secret word and find it in as few tries as possible to score more points. Enjoy the challenge and have fun guessing!

Tips and Tricks

Start with common letters like common vowels and consonants to eliminate or confirm letters quickly. Rely on color coding to refine and rule out certain choices. Gray letters help you eliminate cases, orange letters help reposition, and green letters stay in the correct position.

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