Try N-ordle, if you are a Wordle enthusiast and looking for a harder game. The game gives you a multi-choice board to guess all n words in n+5 guesses. Its difficulty level has been doubled. See how far you can conquer!
When starting, you will see an open table with three columns, which is the basic level of the game. You can choose how much n is if you want to determine how wide the board is. Your goal is to guess all n words in n+5 attempts. The game will provide new questions every day for every value of n. After each 5-letter word guess, you will get the result returned by color. They will tell you how accurate the word is and give you hints to help you come up with the next secret word.
To indicate that I was thinking "enter" while you were thinking "emcee," I would shade the second "e" in your guess. A guess of "emcee" and my word of "agree" would result in my coloring your first box gray and leaving the other two uncolored.
If you like this game and want another similar challenge with guessing multiple words in difficulty level, you can try centordle.