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Opsle challenges you to solve a problem in six tries. The word game Wordle served as inspiration for the game, which offers challenging but extremely engaging gameplay. Your task is to make correct guesses about the sequence of letters that make up the underlying problem. The game provides suggestions for you to develop your logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Let's start solving the problem now!

How to play

In Opsle, participants have six chances to predict a letter sequence that represents a specific problem. Making a series of well-informed assumptions will lead you to the complete sequence. Once you've submitted your prediction, the game will use a color-coded box to show you how accurate it was.

  • When you see a green box, it means that the prediction is spot on and that the letter is in the right place in the answer.
  • A letter that is part of the solution but is put erroneously in the prediction is shown by the yellow box.
  • If a letter in the forecast is in the gray box, that means it is completely out of the solution.

In order to find the right letter sequence, the player must utilize the feedback technique that is given from earlier guesses to improve their later attempts. Players are encouraged to think critically and logically in order to answer hidden problems in Opsle, which challenges their thinking and word-guessing skills.

If you like this game and are looking for a new challenge, you can try AusErdle. Have fun!



PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE NOT WORDS brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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