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The online game Phordle revolves around the concept of guessing words. A total of six correct guesses of the keyword are required to collect all of the correct pieces. A participant's guesses are counted, so think carefully about the words you use. You want to master the art of figurative language guessing, right? Sign up for Phordle and start taking on challenges immediately!

How to play

If you're looking for a fun online word game, try your hand at Phordle. To win, the player must correctly guess the keyword a total of six times and collect as many of those matching pieces as possible. Each player has a set number of guesses, so choose carefully. Word guessing is a skill that can be developed through repetition. Sign up for Phordle today and start taking on challenges right away!


  • Word puzzle with a unique twist.
  • Many difficult levels are available, and you can pick from a wide variety of tiles.
  • Every level can be completed whenever you like.


To win, you have six chances per day to guess a new mystery word. You can't even use a guess with a five-letter word. When you're ready, hit the "enter" key to send your message. When you make a guess, the tiles' hues will shift to show how close you are to the right solution. In other words, you should always take a person's prediction with a pinch of salt.

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