Ringle is a Wordle-inspired game that offers players an intriguing theme. Players are asked to make predictions according to the numbers representing the position of the bell, based on the changing method of ringing the bell. It sounds interesting; let's learn and discover the meaning of this game.
Start the game with two tables and numbers. The board on the left lets players make their predictions about the position of the bell in six tries of six digits. Each row represents one bell, from row to row. Make sure each number stays in the same position or moves up to one position left or right. Be careful not to put two identical rows in the same table. After each guess, the color of the box changes to indicate the level of accuracy and narrow the guess to the correct row.
To help you remember where the bell is, we've included an extra panel on the right. When entering a number, holding shift will cause it to appear on the right panel rather than the game board.