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Rodrigle is a word puzzler in the style of the well-known word game "wordle." Learn how to play Mickey Wordle in this lesson and get some pointers for trying to identify an Olivia Rodrigo word in just six tries. Compared to the original Wordle, the game is harder. In other words, you'll love it if you're a fan!

How to play 

This sport has swiftly become quite well-liked due to how simple it is to do. The sixth attempt is the most important because rodrigle's objective is to properly predict an Olivia Rodrigo-related hint in six tries. Olivia Your only objective is to correctly identify one of Olivia Rodrigo's song names as rapidly as you can in this one-grid wordle.

At the Rodrigle, guess correctly six times. After each guess, the colors of the tiles will change to show how close you were to the right response. There is a match if one or more columns are colored green. There is a partial match to the riddle when the position column turns yellow. Olivia RodrigoWord is that. The letter does not fit with the color grey.

Rodrigle won't allow you start a new game after a day of play. You can play Olivia Rodrgo wordle indefinitely if you keep reading.

The Rules

You only have six opportunities to get it right in this version, and the answer must be a five-letter word or a person from Olivia Rodrigo's universe. After each guess, the colors of the tiles will change to show how close you were to the right response.

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain skill crossword word-search quiz letters
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