Wordator tests your word creation speed within a time limit. Create as many words as possible to challenge your vocabulary and agility. The game offers word length and time options to suit the player's ability. Whether you are a beginner or a vocabulary expert, this is a game for you. Test and build your vocabulary every day!
To start, set up the options, word length, and time limit. Each level of the game provides certain letters in purple blocks. Your task is to create as many words as possible within that time frame. Words must be three or more letters long, and each letter can only be used once unless multiple instances of the same letter are provided. A helpful tip to help you complete more words: look for common prefixes and suffixes (e.g., "un-" or "-ing") to combine to create new words. The more words you get right, the more points you score. When you find yourself stuck, use the bonus points by clicking the "crossing arrow" button to obtain new letters.
If you like this game, check out other fun word games like 6LINGO!, Crossword Puzzle. Enjoy!