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Words Challenge

Words Challenge

Word Challenge is a fantastic choice if you're looking for a soothing word game.
If you enjoy puzzles and word games, you'll enjoy Word Challenge. Can you compete with other players' vocabulary? Join the dots to build words, crack anagrams, and hone your spelling abilities all at once.

How to play

If you're looking for a quick and easy word game, go no further than Word Challenge! Finding the coded words and deciphering the anagram is the objective. Connect the letters with a swipe of your finger. Instantly generate a Word Challenge game based on the current page you're on. Each question in the game is based on a carefully selected sentence or phrase. Word Challenge is a great way to expand one's lexicon, sharpen one's comprehension skills, and drill one's use of contextual cues. Can you use your imagination to decipher the code and reveal the secret words?

Find the words in the right orders. Click letters or swipe over letters Use hints and power-ups to help when your are lost.

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