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A Diction

A Diction

If you like Wordle word games, you should try A Diction. A clone of Wordle with gameplay similar to the traditional game. However, there are a few newly updated features, such as suggestion features. The game is for everyone who is passionate about word games and wants to practice and improve their vocabulary.

How to play

In this game, your mission is as usual. Players need to make predictions about the 5-letter mystery word in six tries. To start, come up with any 5-letter word that comes to mind. After submitting the answer, the game will reveal the accuracy of the prediction through the color of the box.

  • The green box means that letter is in the correct position in the word.
  • The yellow box means the letter is correct but in the wrong position.
  • The gray box means that letter does not appear in the secret word.

Use the color of the word to refine your answer and come up with the correct secret word. Additionally, if you have difficulty coming up with the answer, use the hints that the game provides by clicking the light bulb icon below the board. Have fun!

Challenge yourself with games that require more difficulty, you can try Obscodle. Have fun!


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE CLONES brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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