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Guess the word with the bible theme in the Biblicle. With the traditional way of playing the word-guessing game Wordle, players are asked to guess a secret word based on a Bible theme. The game brings many interesting experiences and new words. Every day, a new word!

How to play

In this game, players are further explored by the theme of the Bible. If you don't know this topic yet, don't worry; I will learn and challenge you with this new topic. Your task is to make predictions about the 5-letter secret word in up to six tries. Those are words that appear in biblical passages. When you make a prediction, the action and crossword color will change, giving you a hint and narrowing down your guess on the secret word. Please pay attention to it. After the game ends, the player will be given more information about the Bible verse via a link. Have fun!

Challenge yourself with many exciting games in the Wordleverse collection!


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE THEME brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search bible
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