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Lordle Of The Rings

Lordle Of The Rings

Test your understanding of the Lordle Of The Rings epic tales. It will be up to you and your companions to arrange the various people, places, objects, and occasions from the trilogy onto a grid. However, you must attempt a different task each day. Play now!

How to play

Lord of the Rings book-related five-letter words are required for this game. Book titles from The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King are included. A set of nine letters is dealt to each player, and they can connect one of these words during their turn, once every round. Putting a letter just above or below another letter is an easy way to arrange them.

Following the making of every forecast. It indicates that the box is in the proper location if it is green. Indicating that the estimate was incorrect, the box turns gray. If the letter is valid but in the incorrect place, it is indicated by the yellow box. Before it's someone else's turn, how many tokens can you create?

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