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Show off your knowledge of places in England in Oundle. In a variation of Wordle, the player is asked to predict the name of a place in the UK in six tries through suggestions. Challenge your guessing ability and discover more about the beautiful country of England.

How to play

In this game, players have six opportunities to guess five-letter words. Location-based English words are acceptable here. The majority of the correct answers are found among the most commonly used 1,000 words in the English language. The bigger dictionary, however, is founded on the British Gazette of Place Names' extensive list of cities and towns. The game will then change the crossword's color to reflect the outcome of your prediction. You'll be able to hone in on the precise term by using this method of elimination:

  • If a letter is green and it should be part of a word, then it should be in the right place.
  • The letter is supposed to be part of a word, but it's in the wrong spot (yellow).
  • The letter gray does not belong in any word.

You can play the game on a daily basis and see how your score stacks up against others because a new word is generated each day. The term can be any length between 4 and 11 letters long. The longer the term, the harder the game becomes. You can broaden your horizons by studying other countries and territories, including England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. You can put yourself to the test by tinkering with the game's speed and difficulty settings.

Challenge your understanding and vocabulary on a variety of topics in our Theme collection. Have fun!



PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE THEME brain logic crossword word-search seach guess letters
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