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Immerse yourself in the exciting world of puzzles in Peptirle. The game requires you to decode a peptide sequence in six tries. Try to deduce and give the correct answer for the amino acid residues that form the hidden peptide. Let's start the game and explore decoding this exciting game. Have fun!

How to play

Set out on an intriguing adventure into the realm of peptides. The primary objective is to determine the exact sequence of a peptide using as few as six guesses as possible. For each try, use your imagination and logic to come up with what you think is the disguised peptide's sequence of amino acid residues. While trying to solve the riddle, you are allowed to pick and select which residues to use. The game's ability to provide feedback after each guess by changing tile color is really helpful.

To improve your future forecasts, make use of the game's visual feedback. Find the specific order of amino acid residues needed to match the disguised peptide by using logic and deductive reasoning. Puzzle fans and scientific buffs alike will love this game for more than simply the puzzle elements; it's a compelling and challenging peptide-solving task. You may dive headfirst into the fascinating realm of peptides every single day.

If you like this game, challenge yourself with another game Opsle.


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE NOT WORDS brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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