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The word-guessing game Stressfle is playable by anybody, anywhere in the world. Each time a five-letter word is correctly guessed, a set number of pins will be revealed. To have fun and challenge your vocabulary, I invite you to spend some time with me in the game Stressfle. Enjoy yourself to the fullest!

How to play

To take part in the competition, you will use your mouse to click and drag the letters to fill in the blanks. On that particular day, you'll be given 5 blank boxes to fill in order to form a valid and meaningful term. If the word is spelled correctly, after each new fill, the letters will change color. As you predict each five-letter word, a series of colored pins will appear in its wake. Every time, the pins go in the same order: green, orange, then white. The order of the letters in your guess or the solution has no bearing on where they appear in these clues.

  • If your guess corresponds letter for letter with the correct answer, the pin will be green.
  • For every orange dot, a letter from your guess appears in the solution, albeit in a different spot.
  • If a white dot appears next to a letter in your guess, it means that letter does not occur in the correct answer.

You may keep track of the letters you've found in the solution by tapping the tiles in your guess to alter their colors. In the same way, the keyboard will reflect these changes.

If you like Stressfle and are looking for other games in this genre, the list of comparable word games is a great place to start. My best wishes!



PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain skill logic crossword word-search quiz guess letters
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