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When compared to Wordle, Survivle is polar opposite. Rather than trying to guess a word, players must delay giving up the correct response for as long as possible. The objective of Wordle is to solve the puzzle in as few attempts as possible, while the only way to win Survivle is to keep guessing for as long as possible. If you want to figure out the solution, this means you'll have to take the most wild guesses possible.

How to play Survive

Survivle is a tool similar to Wordle and Absurdle in which users enter a five-letter word to generate a visual representation of the word's meaning. Letters in shades of grey, yellow, and green will be generated based on your best guesses.

Currently, you need to guess 5-letter words that aren't the solution while avoiding all grey letters. All the yellow and green letters from the first guess must be included in the second. The fact that you can't use the wrong letters only serves to increase the difficulty. Your first thought may be "HOUSE," but the only correct letter is "E." No more second guesses involving the letters H, O, U, or S. You need to add an E, too. Any player with a score of 7 or more in Survive wins (because Wordle would have won with just six guesses or fewer). It's not as simple as it sounds. Best of luck!

Fortunately, Survivle has a built-in checker that can tell you if your guess is right or wrong and explain where you went wrong. It's easy to play Survivle on your mobile device, so long as you keep these things in mind.

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain logic crossword word-search seach guess letters
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