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Wordle 2.0

Wordle 2.0

Wordle 2.0 is a word-guessing game inspired by the traditional Wordle game. If you are a word game enthusiast, this game will definitely not be difficult for you. Make a guess about the secret word, from 3 to 5 letters. After each guess, more clues are revealed to help you deduce and solve the puzzle. Think carefully because you only have a maximum of 6 guesses. Good luck!

How to play

The gameplay is identical to the original Wordle game, but this version offers players more word-guessing options, ranging from 3 to 5 letters. Choose the word length and start guessing the puzzle word. Guess what the secret word is and then submit your prediction. Start with any common word. Use the revealed color clues to refine your answer.

  • If the crossword turns green, the letter is in the correct position.
  • If the crossword turns yellow, the letter is correct but in the wrong position.
  • If the crossword becomes gray, it indicates that the letter is not present in the word and requires removal.


Keyboard and Touch

Practice your guessing skills further and expand your knowledge with other topics in Crossword ChickenGamesies.

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE brain logic crossword word-search guess letters 2d search
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