Mini CrosswordConnectionsHardleFlaggleWeaver GameCinenerdleFoodle


Zip-zap-bam! invites you to join a completely new, unique word-guessing challenge. A game inspired by Wordle instead of guessing words in the usual way. The grid presents the first and last word to the player. Guess the intermediate word, then solve vocabulary puzzles! Every day, a new secret word is updated. Can you solve this interesting puzzle?

How to play

Are you prepared for the fun puzzles in this game? The game presents the player with a table that reveals the first and last letters. Your task is to use the provided vocabulary suggestions to solve the puzzle and find the five-letter target word. One thing to note is that each time you make a prediction, the word must differ from the last word by a maximum of two letter substitutions. Players can use it as many times as they want to complete the path from the first word to the last word. Can you solve this puzzle? Prove your top word-guessing and puzzle-solving abilities.

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