Mini CrosswordConnectionsHardleFlaggleWeaver GameCinenerdleFoodle


Anidal tests your knowledge of the animal world. Let's start this exciting journey where you need to make predictions about the names of five-letter animals. Start seeing if you can make accurate predictions.

How to play

Start the game with an interesting theme about the animal world. How many animals do you know the names of? It's time to test your knowledge on this interesting topic. The player's task is to make predictions about the five-letter animal's name in six tries. Each time, give a prediction name. You will receive feedback on how accurate it is. Thereby narrowing the prediction ability and helping you give the most accurate results.

Each round and each day, the game will always be updated with different animals, providing diversity and challenge to players. From there, it helps players expand their understanding of the vast animal world and increase their logical reasoning ability while having fun.

If you are an animal and pet lover, you can challenge yourself in Adoptle game. Start making your predictions on a pet-related topic in six tries. Get started and test your pet knowledge!


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE THEME brain logic crossword seach guess letters animal
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