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Daily Net

Daily Net

Daily Net is a fun physics experiment puzzle game. Players must apply the laws of physics to light up the bulbs in a complex network. Rotate to connect the wire joints and bulb sockets, allowing you to create a precise network without any loops to light the bulbs. Have fun!

How to play

To succeed, observe and deduce the positions of the bulbs, power sources, and electrical circuits. Rotate any position of the wire cells or bulbs to form a unique connection network without loops. It is a complete network without any gaps. Make sure you finish when the bulbs are lit. Once completed, increase the difficulty with 5x5, 7x7, 11x11, and 13x13 boards. Larger, more intricate grids demand logical thinking and intense focus. How many levels could you complete?

PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE UNCATEGORIZED brain logic crossword word-search letters search
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