Extendle is a new variant of Wordle that word game enthusiasts should try. With a combination of classic structure combined with newly updated gameplay. Brings an interesting version of the game, attracting many players. Try to see if you can become a winner in Extendle. Have fun!
Predictions regarding a hidden 5-letter word are required in Extendle. After each guess, the word's color shifts to reflect how close each prediction was. Green means the letter or letters are in the right place; yellow means they are in the wrong place; and gray could mean the letter or letters are incorrect. From there, contestants can hone in on the most likely outcome and submit an accurate response.
The game also features novel gameplay elements that provide players with the opportunity to test their endurance. The guidelines are based on a "hard mode" that applies constraints to the guessing process. If a green letter is discovered, it must be utilized in the same spot in the subsequent guess. In order to make another guess, you must utilize another yellow letter, whereas gray letters are out of the question. You have "won" the game if it takes more than five guesses and daily play statistics are recorded.
If you like to challenge your vocabulary prediction skills, you can try Wordle games with many other themes in our Wordleverse collection.