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Quina challenges lovers through many different game modes. If you are a Wordle word game enthusiast and like challenges, you can explore Quina and prove your word-guessing abilities. Choose a game mode; the game requires making predictions about the secret word in 10 tries. Choose a game mode and start this exciting word-guessing journey.

How to play

Quina's gameplay is similar to Wordle's. Your task is to correctly guess a five-letter code word within ten tries. After predicting, rely on the hints provided by the game. The game not only helps you have fun entertaining at home but also helps you practice your puzzle-solving ability and increase your vocabulary.

  • Guess the codeword: You have 10 chances to guess the concealed five-letter codeword in Quina, which is your primary objective.
  • Narrow Clues: After each guess, the game provides helpful hints that you may use to narrow down the options and find the right codeword.
  • Fun and challenging: Quina is great for word lovers of all skill levels since it has just the right amount of everything.

If you want to challenge yourself more, you can visit our collection of Wordleverse games.



PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE VARIATIONS brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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