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Enter Citydle's realm of secrets and adventures. It's a fun way for geography buffs and novices alike to test their knowledge of the world. Put your brainpower on display, expand your knowledge, and sharpen your memory and reasoning skills.

How to play

Join Citydle for a daily guessing game about the names of the world's largest cities. The search bar serves as the game's main playing field. Please enter the name of the city you wish to keep secret. Names are listed here in alphabetical order for your convenience. If the attempt fails, you can use the on-screen hints to try again. The player has a limited number of guesses and receives feedback after each estimate in the shape of an orange, yellow, or directional arrow showing the number of kilometers. When the player is close to the correct place, an orange color will appear if they correctly guess the continent. They will see a yellow color if they correctly identify the country, and a directional arrow with the approximate number of miles if they are close to the correct place.

If you like this game and love geography, try our similar game, Wherdle, Worldle. Make predictions about Country names through suggestions.


PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE GEOGRAPHY brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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